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Presented By -
The New York City Model Transit Association &
The Shore Line Trolley Museum

Saturday - October 20, 2012
9:30am to 5:00pm
Setup Times -
Friday (Oct. 19) - 5:00pm to 10:00pm
Saturday 7:30am - 9:30am

The Rutgers Gymnasium
130 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Admission: $20
R-9 Color Taken at the door.
Spouse & Children - Free

Vendors - $45 (8' x 2.5')
Vendor pays only for the tables required, no admission fee.
However, any helpers that assist vendors must pay admission fee.
Vendor spouse and children free.

Vendors please note - Items to be sold MUST be TRANSIT RELATED. This includes: Streetcars, Interurbans, Subway & Elevated Rapid Transit, Buses, and Trolley Coaches. Any GENERAL Railroad items, including models and toys, by themselves, will not be allowed. There are other venues for these items. Any questions about this policy can be directed to us at

All proceeds, after expenses, will go to the
Shore Line Trolley Museum.

reg form - Click here for a printable registration form.


  • Operating Layouts - Featuring Model Trolley, Rapid Transit, and Bus Equipment

  • Vendors - Models, Equipment, Books, Videos, Memorabilia, and much more!
    ** Click here for a listing of vendors that have signed up to attend

  • Restored Antique Buses - Displayed in the parking lot.

  • Model Contests * - For rules and information see table below.

  • Lectures & Clinics - From Prominent Transit Historians & Modelers


Directions and Area Information -

The Gymnasium at Rutgers is easily accessible from the New Brunswick Train Station that serves NJ Transit and Amtrak trains, as well as Buses from NYC's Port Authority Bus Terminal.

There is a free shuttle bus that runs on a regular schedule, to and from the Student Center/Gymnasium - provided by Rutgers. The Bus Route is called the "Weekend 1", attendees can go from the New Brunswick Train Station to the College Avenue Gym and can board the bus on George Street between Somerset Street and Albany Street (on the side of George Street next to Johnson and Johnson/opposite from the Bank of America).

The "Weekend 1" bus is expect to depart approximately every 35 minutes between 8 AM to 12 PM; and approximately every 22-23 minutes after 12 PM.

Returning from the College Avenue Gym back to the New Brunswick Train Station - take either the "Weekend 1" or "Weekend 2" buses from bus stop located right in front of the College Avenue Gym. It doesn't matter what bus is taken, get off the bus at the Train Station bus stop located on Somerset Street between College Avenue and George Street (the second stop after departing, a short 5 minute or less ride).

- Free parking is also available in the rear of the Gymnasium/Student Center -

There is a full food court and 2 ATMs located in the Student Center - next to the Gymnasium.

Map - Click on the map for a larger version and driving directions.
(Brings you to Yahoo Maps)

Please keep checking this site for updates.  Dealers and people wanting to set up displays, please contact us at
for convention information.

Area Hotel Information

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
Hotel Front Desk: 1-732-247-6800 | Hotel Fax: 1-732-247-0700

Hampton Inn North Brunswick
841 Georges Road
North Brunswick, New Jersey, USA 08902
Tel: 1-732-246-3555 Fax: 1-732-246-7055

Hyatt Regency New Brunswick
2 Albany Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Note - Really nice, expensive, but a little closer (across from train station)

Howard Johnson Express
26 Route 1 North
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
(732) 828-8000

Holiday Inn
Hotel Front Desk: 1 (732) 356-1700 | Hotel Fax: 1 (732) 356-0939

Ramada Inn - Somerset
60 Cottontail Lane
Somerset, NJ 08873

Days Inn East Brunswick
195 Route 18 South
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Hilton East Brunswick
3 Tower Center Boulevard at exit 9 NJ Tpk
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
NYCMTA _ Contest Rules

New York City Model Transit Association


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Any mass transit vehicle* or transit related structure** in any scale may be entered into the Model Contest provided that it is the ORIGINAL work of the contestant.

  • The contestant must be present to complete the entry form. Please limit your entry to ONE MODEL or set.
  • Scratch builders are encouraged to provide one or more prototype photos in the scratch built or kit bashed category. This documentation helps judges verify any unique features of the original that are duplicated on the model. There is a five (5) point bonus for submitting a photo. To earn points, the photo(s) must be of the prototype, not the model entered. All models are graded by a point system used by the judges.
  • The contest opens at 10:00AM for registration. Contestant agrees to leave model on the competition table until after the judges have made their decision and prizes have been Awarded, i.e., until 3:00PM. The contest table will be supervised at all times.
  • There must be a minimum of three models entered in competition for either the model or structure category to justify a contest. If there are fewer than the minimum number of entries In either category, an entry MUST score at least 240 points to qualify for the top prize In the judged contest. The Judges decisions are final.


  • Prizes consist of an award for the Best Model for a transit vehicle and Best Model for a Transit related structure; in the opinion of the judges, Honorable Mention may be given to other commendable models in each category. In addition to the judged model contest, there is a Popular award given for the best model as voted by attendees of the show. Ballots for this purpose are distributed at the registration desk. One vote per person


  • Models not intended for the contest may be placed on the designated area of the table for display. We encourage modelers to showcase their works in progress or other models they particularly wish to display for others to see and admire. Any model vehicle or structure may be put on the table if there is room for it. Limit one display model per person.


  • SCRATCH BUILT MODEL - Made/built by the contestant from plans, photos, etc., from any materials to produce a prototype or freelance representation. The only commercial parts to be items to finish model.
  • KIT MODEL - Built by the contestant from a commercial kit as designed by manufacturer, Including all parts to complete it. In the case of vehicle models, items from other sources may be used to finish.
  • MODIFIED KIT - This category includes commercial models modified by contestant from the original kit to a specific prototype or made from parts of commercial kit(s) to represent a specific prototype. Unpainted commercial models including brass, epoxy or urethane shells super detailed , powered, and painted by the contestant fall into this category.
  • STRUCTURE MODEL - The same criteria applies as for vehicles described above, EXCEPT model structure cannot be more than 2 1/2 feet long and must fit on the contest table. No exceptions. No free standing modules are eligible.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Defined as trolley, interurban, rapid transit car, trackless trolley, bus, and commuter rail car.

** Defined as street furniture, commercial buildings, car house, station.

For additional information contact us -
New York City Model Transit Association.


Rules Updated - 10-27-2011
Page Updated - 08-04-2012

safe surf